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Beautify Grissom Contest

What is Beautify Grissom? 

Beautify Grissom is an art competition open to all students in Industrial Engineering. Students will create a sketch showing what Industrial Engineering means to them. IE faculty will vote on the sketches and the top 5 designs will move to the final round.  Finalists will be provided with a 30″x40″ canvas to create their final mural. Students may use any medium of their choice (acrylic, watercolor, oil, pencil, etc) to complete the design. All final artworks will be displayed in Grissom Hall and the top three designs will each receive a cash prize.


First Place – $500

Second Place – $300

Third Place – $200

Important Dates:

March 14th – last day to submit a sketch of your design 

March 24th – finalists are notified and provided with a 30″x40″ canvas

April 11th – final submissions due

Week of April 14th – voting begins

April 17th – voting ends

April 18th  – winners announced

Submit a sketch of your design here by Friday, March 14th

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